Allman Brothers Band classic photos: 1972 to 1976

The Allman Brothers Band in this 1973 promotional photograph are, from left, Jaimoe, Gregg Allman, Butch Trucks, Chuck Leavell, Lamar Williams, and Dickey Betts, credited as Richard Betts at the time. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book “Brothers and Sisters” out July 25, 2023. Read the story.

Big House Museum

Dickey Betts performing with the Allman Brothers Band at Winterland in San Francisco on September 26, 1973. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book Brothers and Sisters out July 25, 2023. Read the story
Dickey Betts performing with the Allman Brothers Band at Winterland in San Francisco on September 26, 1973.  Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book “Brothers and Sisters” out July 25, 2023. Read the story.

Kirk West

Allman Brothers Band members, from left, Butch Trucks, Chuck Leavell, Gregg Allman and Dickey Betts, picture sometime between 1972 and 76. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book Brothers and Sisters out July 25, 2023. Read the story
Allman Brothers Band members, from left, Butch Trucks, Chuck Leavell, Gregg Allman and Dickey Betts, picture sometime between 1972 and ’76. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book “Brothers and Sisters” out July 25, 2023. Read the story.

Gilbert Lee

Gregg Allman of the Allman Brothers Band signs autographs on arriving at an in-store appearance at Peaches Records on October 5, 1975 in Atlanta, Georgia. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book Brothers and Sisters out July 25, 2023. Read the story
Gregg Allman of the Allman Brothers Band signs autographs on arriving at an in-store appearance at Peaches Records on October 5, 1975 in Atlanta, Georgia. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book “Brothers and Sisters” out July 25, 2023. Read the story.

Tom Hill, WireImage

Jerry Garcia, left, and Dickey Betts share the stage during the Allman Brothers Band and Grateful Dead concert Dec. 31, 1973 at the Cow Palace near San Francisco. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book Brothers and Sisters out July 25, 2023. Read the story
Jerry Garcia, left, and Dickey Betts share the stage during the Allman Brothers Band and Grateful Dead concert Dec. 31, 1973 at the Cow Palace near San Francisco. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book “Brothers and Sisters” out July 25, 2023. Read the story.

Sidney Smith

The Allman Brothers Band perform in 1972 in front of a television audience. The musicians, from left are, Chuck Leavell, keyboards; Jai Johanny Jaimoe Johanson, drums; Dickey Betts, lead and slide guitar; Berry Oakley, bass; Butch Trucks, drums and percussion. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book Brothers and Sisters out July 25, 2023. Read the story
The Allman Brothers Band perform in 1972 in front of a television audience. The musicians, from left are, Chuck Leavell, keyboards; Jai Johanny “Jaimoe” Johanson, drums; Dickey Betts, lead and slide guitar; Berry Oakley, bass; Butch Trucks, drums and percussion. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book “Brothers and Sisters” out July 25, 2023. Read the story.


The Allman Brothers Band s lead guitarist, slide guitarist and singer Dickey Betts, far right, and, from left, keyboardist Chuck Leavell; drummers Jai Johanny Jaimoe Johanson, bottom and Butch Trucks; keyboardist, rhythm guitarist and singer Gregg Allman; and bassist Lamar Williams. This was the Allman Brothers Band s lineup from November of 1972 to May of 1976. They recorded the No. 1 charting album Brothers and Sisters (1973), as well as the Top 5 album Win, Lose or Draw (1975) and the live double LP Wipe the Windows, Check the Oil, Dollar Gas (1976); plus the critically-acclaimed retrospective live release Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY: 5/1/73, issued in 2005. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book Brothers and Sisters out July 25, 2023. Read the story
The Allman Brothers Band’s lead guitarist, slide guitarist and singer Dickey Betts, far right, and, from left, keyboardist Chuck Leavell; drummers Jai Johanny “Jaimoe” Johanson, bottom and Butch Trucks; keyboardist, rhythm guitarist and singer Gregg Allman; and bassist Lamar Williams. This was the Allman Brothers Band’s lineup from November of 1972 to May of 1976. They recorded the No. 1 charting album “Brothers and Sisters” (1973), as well as the Top 5 album “Win, Lose or Draw” (1975) and the live double LP “Wipe the Windows, Check the Oil, Dollar Gas” (1976); plus the critically-acclaimed retrospective live release “Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY: 5/1/73,” issued in 2005. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book “Brothers and Sisters” out July 25, 2023. Read the story.

[Capricorn Records Promotion Images / Florida Times-Union Archive]

The Allman Brothers Band, seen through an ultra-wide angle lens, play for the crowds at the rock festival outside Watkins Glen, N.Y., July 28, 1973. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book Brothers and Sisters out July 25, 2023. Read the story
The Allman Brothers Band, seen through an ultra-wide angle lens, play for the crowds at the rock festival outside Watkins Glen, N.Y., July 28, 1973. Alan Paul write about this era of the Allman Brothers Band in his new book “Brothers and Sisters” out July 25, 2023. Read the story. Anonymous, AP